Tag Archives: writing

Triptychs – Coming Soon

I know, I know. It’s been a while since I’ve been on here and updated this place with the cacophony of thoughts residing within my head. Well, I’ve been busy; constructing my newest novel which is going to be a humdinger if my inner critic is to be believed.

Also, I’ve been busy writing some short stories which I was honoured to be asked to do for the upcoming anthology, Triptychs, which you can pre-order here for .99 cents. It will be $3.99 on its release on March 16th. So PRE-ORDER NOW!

The concept behind the short story collection is simple. I received two photographs which I was to use for inspiration to create my short stories. There are eight photographs in all with three authors writing stories or poems on each photograph.

It’s a real neat idea and the quality of the stories is top notch. I’m delighted to have been asked to take part and I’m equally delighted now for the people who have my enjoyed my writing to get to read some new material.

So, pre-order now if you can and I’ll be giving more info and updates the sooner we get to the release date of March 16th.

Hope all you guys out there are well.


Earlier today, I read a facebook post from a friend of mine, where she listed the top ten albums that were life changing or influential in some way. NOT her favourite albums, but the most influential. Which got me thinking: What has influenced me in my life and why? Well, I just had to blog about it didn’t I? So here is, in no particular order, some books, movies, people and life events that helped shape and mould the person I am today. Continue reading

And one thing leads to another.

So, today. Yeah, today. I was in a foul mood almost all of the hours since my mind awoke from what can only be described as a disturbing dream. And so it followed that I was in foul humour all day long. Yes, America, humour with a U. Deal with it!

Anywhoooo. I spent all day doubting my writing; doubting my choice at turning aside from the mundane but financially secure world of ‘work.’ I picked up my copy of Fastian and even scoffed at it. Yes, I scoffed. I opened my notebook and started flicking through some scribbles and ideas I have gathered together over the years and scowled at the absolute idiocy of some of them. My day gradually began to get worse. Continue reading

‘Old School’ Interview

I’m from a small town; a village in fact. Having been raised here, gone to school here, and after many years away, returning here, it remains an undeniable fact that if someone from here achieves anything of any note, it is usually celebrated and everyone knows about it.

This is neither a bad thing nor a good thing. It just is what it is. I am happy to embrace it.

And so, while everyone where I’m from knows I have written and published my first novel, I am constantly asked how the writing is going, how are the sales, when is the next book? Or (and this is something I relish) stopping me to tell me how much they enjoyed Fastian. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of being told that someone enjoyed a piece of work I put so much effort into. I love it.

But when I got approached by one of the teenagers from my old school asking me could I do an interview for the school magazine, that was an extra piece of self-gratification that I wasn’t expecting. However, when I was twenty I worked for this teenager’s dad in the local pub and she was three years old running around the place. I was sadly reminded that I am now getting ‘old.’

Still, at least I’m alive, huh?

Below is that interview.

The Write Stuff
By Taira Lewis

Jason Finnerty is a past pupil of Clonaslee Vocational school; he is now an author writing under the pseudonym, Jay Finn. He sells his books online and has now started a fantasy series. He launched the first book of the series “Fastian: An Edgewier Tale” just before Christmas in the Heritage Centre in Clonaslee.

How did you start writing stories?
I first started (or attempted to start) when I was maybe 12 or 13 because I had read the Narnia books and just fell in love with them. It just clicked in my head that maybe I would like to write something like that but when I started writing properly it was about six or seven years ago. I started writing short stories and one of them got short-listed for an award and when it did I was thinking “Well maybe this is something I could do” so I just kept going from there!

What inspired your book Fastian?
I actually got the idea from the movie The Dark Knight, seeing the character of the joker I just had this idea of a character who was not exactly likeable but could still be kind of the good guy, someone who’s not a nice person but is like kind of the anti-hero. So it just started from there but over the years it developed into the book that it is now. There’s no set way about it, it just organically came together.

Did you know at first that it would be a trilogy?
Yeah, I knew it was going to be long, it might even be more than 3. I had this idea in my head that once I created this world, I could write the story and make it as long as I wanted and that was actually exciting because I wasn’t set to “it has to be in one book” because that’s just too narrow, especially with fantasy. Fantasy tends to be epic, for example George Martin, they’re all in lots of books, so I always knew it was going to be long. It could be four or five books now.

Do you think that literature has been diminished by television and internet?
I’m not sure, maybe in a way. The idea of holding a book in your hand for a lot of people isn’t the same because now you’ve got kindles and things like that, so maybe not literature itself but how we purchase literature and how perceive it is maybe a bit different. And it’s at a stage now where almost every second movie is based on a book so a lot of people tend to watch the movie before they read the book and that annoys me… A lot! People are like “Oh yeah I’ve watched this movie, now I’ll read the book”. No, read the book first! When you watch a movie you have the characters in your head already, so when you’re reading the book it’s not your own imagination that’s creating them in your head – it’s what you’ve seen in the film, and that just annoys me.

Would you like your books to be made into films?
Yeah, that’d be really cool but I think it would work better as an animation. Most fantasy movies are woeful! (Well, apart from Lord of the Rings.) I’d like to see it done in an animation because you can do so much with animation now and you don’t have to worry about making a movie with special effects and stuff. So yeah, I would like to see that someday

What advice would you give to student hoping to become a writer?
Read a lot and write a lot, it’s that simple! You can’t become a writer unless you read, the same way you can’t be a carpenter if you haven’t got a saw. Read everything, don’t just read one genre, read as much as you can and read constantly. I could read fifty, sixty or seventy books in a year. It’s like practise, when you see other people’s styles and see how other people write stories, you will understand plot and characters, themes. You can not become a writer unless you read and once you read you have to write a lot. You don’t have to sit down and say “Ok, I’m going to write a book” and just concentrate on that. Write short stories. Take a month and tell yourself everyday you’re going to write a 2000 word short story. 29 of them could be terrible but you can have one gem. Don’t think about it too much, especially when you are writing short stories. Just give yourself a premise “A man walks into the store and trips over the step” and just work from there! Just something small like that or you could make it as outlandish as you want either. Just read a lot and write a lot!

Were you a good student in school?
I wasn’t bad as in badly behaved but I was lazy. I did all pass subjects for my leaving cert. I was doing honours English right up until two months before the exams. I didn’t want to go to college, I had no interest in education because I didn’t really like school. It’s not that I wasn’t smart, I just had no interest. I liked stuff like history though. So, I wasn’t bad, I was just lazy because I just had no real interest in being there and didn’t want to go to college (even though I did go to college later on). I started travelling once I finished school. So yeah, not a bad student, just lazy!

When do you think the series will be finished?
Well I hope to have the second book out by next Christmas. (Fingers crossed!) I’m working on another book at the minute, it’s just kind of a contemporary fiction which I’m going to try get published the “old-school” way, get it done through a normal publisher. The thing with fantasy is, it’s hard to get it published as it’s such a huge market so that’s why I did the whole self-publishing thing, plus I wanted to see a book with my name on it! So, over-all finished I don’t know. Hopefully in the next 4 or 5 years I’d like to have the entire tale told but we’ll see what happens!

Where are your books available?
Online mainly, any major online store; Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Sony, I-store. Just search Fastian or Jay Finn and you should them (and it’s not expensive!)

An ode to thoughts.

You are not your house, your car or your job.
You’re probably not even a servant of God.
You are not your wealth or your diamond rings,
No my friend, you’re none of these things.

You are not a piece of meat for sale,
Nor are you destined to fail.
You are not a tool for others to use,
to be moulded, shaped and to be abused.

Tax-payer, worker, ant and consumer.
All of these things you are called by your user.
You are none of these if you choose not to be,
so learn how to choose, you learn to be free.

You are thought, you are action, you’re creation unknown.
You are free to live loudly or even alone.
You are emotion and choices are yours to be weaved,
The world is your oyster if you cast off the lead.

The thoughts in your head are the start of creation.
Please use them wisely, they are power not sedation.
They determine your outcome, your rise or your fall.
Treat them like children, learn to love them all.

And once you start thinking for yourself, not for others.
The world will respond, it will be like you’re lovers.
When you’re down, it’s down with you, it mirrors your gloom.
So think carefully my friend and all you ask for will bloom.

Fastian, Free Chapters!!

Firstly, my apologies for the lengthy absence of updates on here. I know, I know. I should be making more of an effort to post a few times a week, but I find when I’m writing (that is, working on my novel) that it’s quite difficult to separate myself from my fiction brain to bring you something of the witty and non-fiction. Continue reading

Why choose me?


In the world of independent publishing, we, the reader, are confronted with a barrage of short stories, novellas and novels of every genre imaginable (and even some that aren’t). So how do we choose what to buy and what not to buy? Continue reading

And we start again!

It’s been a while since I’ve dragged myself to the blog, but I’ve been neglecting it more than I should. I suppose I’ve been relaxing slightly after all the hard work I have put into Fastian over the past year or so.

But now … Continue reading

Fastian is now an ebook.

It’s taken longer than I had imagined, but finally, after receiving my hard copies, Fastian is now available to purchase on Amazon. It will be up on other online stores in the coming weeks but most people tend to use Amazon so I’m happy that it’s finally up there.

I haven’t written much here in the past while, what with being busy preparing for a book launch, getting the books delivered and sorting through the tedious process that is independent publishing. And believe me, it is tedious. Perhaps frustrating is a better word for it. Being a writer is fun; it’s fulfilling, it’s hard work but highly rewarding. The process of promotion, funding, formatting and all the other niggly little details involved in independent publishing are not my forte. But, these are the things that one must learn if being an independent author is what one wants.

However, the struggle is now over. I can now sit back and check Amazon hourly like an obsessive Mother looking over her darling son. Yes, this is now my life. Perhaps when I begin work on the second book in the series I can learn to let go of Fastian just a bit. But for now, I will fuss over him like I have earned the right to do.

So, it’s Christmas. Treat yourself or a loved one to a wonderfully entertaining gift and purchase Fastian online here

Cover Revealed

It’s here, it’s here, it’s here!

It has been many weeks since I’ve last been here but I’ve been extra busy finishing up ‘Fastian.’ Second draft, third draft, yada-yada-yada. You know the score.

It is finally finished and today it’s off to the printers so I thought I’d spoil you all and reveal the front cover. Mostly, because it’s absolutely amazing (in my opinion anyway) but also because I’m too damned impatient to not share it with you all.

I’ll be on again soon to let everyone know about the details of purchase and it’s official online release date. I have a new website now to drool over and make my own so that will keep me occupied for the next while.

I hope you’re all well and I hope even more that you find the cover tempting enough to make you want to read the pages beneath it.photo