Monthly Archives: December 2013

Fastian an Edgeweir Tale by Jay Finn

All That's Written ...

Today I host the debut novel of a young Irish


The Nation: A sadistic and cruel empire that has ruled Edgeweir since time beyond memory. But under the tutelage of Alabaster Shanks, a group of disparate rebels have come together to fight back and stand up to the Nation’s rule.

Amongst them is Fastian; dark, dangerous and with an eye for vengeance; and Jacob, a boy and the newest recruit, who possesses a skill craved by the rebels.

Now they come together to undertake a mission that could be the beginning of the end for the Nation. But with Fastian’s mind ever on the past and Jacob’s eye firmly on his future, will they be capable enough to ever see it through?

Curious? So am I, that’s why I asked the author to give us an excerpt, and you know what?  He did! Below you’ll find a teaser…

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Fastian is now an ebook.

It’s taken longer than I had imagined, but finally, after receiving my hard copies, Fastian is now available to purchase on Amazon. It will be up on other online stores in the coming weeks but most people tend to use Amazon so I’m happy that it’s finally up there.

I haven’t written much here in the past while, what with being busy preparing for a book launch, getting the books delivered and sorting through the tedious process that is independent publishing. And believe me, it is tedious. Perhaps frustrating is a better word for it. Being a writer is fun; it’s fulfilling, it’s hard work but highly rewarding. The process of promotion, funding, formatting and all the other niggly little details involved in independent publishing are not my forte. But, these are the things that one must learn if being an independent author is what one wants.

However, the struggle is now over. I can now sit back and check Amazon hourly like an obsessive Mother looking over her darling son. Yes, this is now my life. Perhaps when I begin work on the second book in the series I can learn to let go of Fastian just a bit. But for now, I will fuss over him like I have earned the right to do.

So, it’s Christmas. Treat yourself or a loved one to a wonderfully entertaining gift and purchase Fastian online here