Monthly Archives: July 2013

Getting Stuff Done

One thing I see a lot of on blog posts these days, are ways to help produce your creativity and your creative output. And it’s not just the average blogger like you or I. Stephen King has written a book solely about his own ‘how-to’ of writing, if you will. Neil Gaiman has spoken on it, Joss Whedon, too. In fact, I’ll make an assumption that every author who has ever penned anything noteworthy (or not noteworthy at all) has had something to say on Getting Stuff Done.

Here’s my two pence.

Stop reading about how to Get Stuff Done and just Get Stuff Done.

This is going to be a rather short post. You know why? Of course you do. Because I’ve got Stuff to be Getting Done.

We Have Lift Off

To say I’m excited is an understatement. To say, I’m grateful doesn’t even come close. To say I’m relieved is misuse of that simple adjective. I believe ecstatic is the best of describing my emotions right now and for this one simple reason (enter cap locks): FASTIAN REACHED ITS FUNDING TARGET!!!!

That’s right, internet and it’s countless minions. Come next Sept/Oct ‘Fastian’ will be available in both hard copy (a limited number) and of course on your kindle or any other sort of digital reading device that I have yet to purchase myself (I still like the smell of new paper).

I just want to share the good news, thank all the people who helped with the funding, messages of support and constant reminders that ‘Yes, I will make my target.’ If only I could bottle your positivity more often myself, then perhaps I wouldn’t be filled with self doubt while I edit ‘Fastian’ and think, ‘what kind of scene was that?!?!’

I will be keeping you all updated on the process and hopefully come time of release I will have a plethora of bodies queueing up in the amazon, sony, nook, barnes and noble, (insert other online store) to purchase their own copy.

Thanks again and please excuse me while I spend the rest of the day basking in the glory and knowledge that ‘Fastian’ will be with us all soon and thinking about whether or not I should take up this yoga class tonight I’ve been threatening to begin for quite a while.